The facts speak volumes. In the U.S. 80% of college students have an unmet need of $15,000. Over 32% of students who receive aid still have an unmet need of $7,000. Of that group, 32% of college students identify as homeless. Food is often the last priority on a student’s list. Think about that. Food.
The facts speak volumes. In the U.S. 80% of college students have an unmet need of $15,000. Over 32% of students who receive aid still have an unmet need of $7,000. Of that group, 32% of college students identify as homeless. Food is often the last priority on a student’s list and often one of the last things students will ask for help with. Our first challenge was to find a way to erase the stigma of receiving assistance from a pantry.
We tackled food insecurity head on through a two pronged campaign. First we targeted students in need with a simple message of "take anything to give your everything." Secondly, we targeted students who have the ability to give back with "all you need, to give all you got." Whether it's donating a meal from a meal plan or money towards a gift card to the grocery store, the Bearcat Nation always looks out for their own. To help with the stigma we recommended moving from BearCats Pantry to a shortened BCP. It’s quicker, mysterious, sleek, and evocative of a club people would want to be a part of. Visually, we breathed fresh air into the BCP identity, creating a new look and feel that we put on posters around campus, bags, swag, and even a delivery van.
Take all you need to give all you got. Give all you can so they can give their all. UC students are what’s next, and to accomplish what’s next for them, sometimes it takes a little extra. That’s what the University of Cincinnati’s BCP is for. Whether it’s coffee, mac and cheese, pens, or a jacket to wear to an interview, it’s whatever it takes to give it all you’ve got. BCP. Power for next.
During discovery we learned that students often feel the shame of carrying their groceries across campus from BCP. We decided to flip that on its head and make it a badge of honor. Funny how a well-designed shirt that you get just for picking up your food order can change that perception—quickly.
This fall, to help students have better access, BCP began a food delivery service that brings your order straight to your residence hall. What better use of the delivery van than creating a mobile billboard? We also wanted to beat the shame cycle by making bags students would be proud to receive and carry to class. All the sudden students were asking, "What's BCP? I need to check that out."
The facts about unmet needs across American colleges speak volumes. But actions speak louder than words. And the actions of BCP are set to change the way people get what they need, so we all succeed.
Learn how you can help Bearcat Pantry.