What is Heavy?

Well, that depends. An encyclopedia is heavy for a toddler; a van filled with books is heavy for anyone. As with most things, it’s relative. 


And when most things are relative, you need some way to make sense of it all.


That’s what we do – that’s Heavy. We’re strategists and creatives who sort through all the relative details of your organization to uncover something clear. And then we turn that clarity into an insight; an insight into a strategy; a strategy into a concept; a concept into whatever it is we need to make in order to connect with your audience and reach your objectives. And we follow that process every time, because when everything else is relative, our approach always leads somewhere entirely new.


If you like what we do, and want to discuss how we can work together, we’d love to chat.

What we do:




Analysis, Evaluation, Perception

Stakeholder Interviews/Surveys

On-site Immersion

Current Messaging & Asset Review

Sourced Research Audit

Competitive Landscape

Purpose, Position, Proposition

Milestones & Benchmarking

Unique Selling Proposition

Brand Personality & Tone

Brand & Unit Architecture

Audience Prioritization

Stakeholder Alignment
Content Strategy




Concept & Create

Brand Language & Messaging
Visual Identity
User Experience



Creative Toolkits

Visual Treatments

Motion Packages

Content Templates

Brand Rollout and Workshops




Advertising & Content



Influencer Campaign

Podcast Development

Film & Video

PSA- Broadcast Commercials

Long Form Documentary

Content Series


360 Video

Interactive & Experiential

Websites/Apps Live Event/Roadshow

Our partners: