
Heavy has been working in higher education and advancement for over two decades. A lot has certainly changed in that time, and we have been fortunate to work with organizations that are leading some of that change.

Brands like University at Buffalo and their seasonal content approach, Rutgers who championed a new approach for bringing consensus across four campus led units and 200 ideas into 12 Big Ideas that motivated donors, and Drexel University who tapped into their alumni base of makers with a campaign called “The Future We Make.” Those are just a few of the examples listed below.

Here are a few of our current clients:


Here are a few ways we let our work carry the weight.

We don’t bill hourly.
Our fees are based on flat project costs, ensuring that no matter how many hours we spend on making the best possible work, it’s not a penny more than we agreed upon at the outset.

100% Transparent and Accountable.
At the beginning of every engagement, we sign a transparency clause that requires us to share with you any changes to our team, finances, or our business, before those changes could potentially impact yours. We also sign an agreement that prioritizes the metrics you value most, meaning you’re always in control of who is doing the work, and how it’s getting done.

Good. Together.
We believe in doing good within our community as well as within yours. As part of each engagement, we ask our clients to select a non-profit organization within their own community, one that could benefit from our services. We then offer our services to them pro bono. Why? Because it’s our belief that giving back moves us all forward, together.

Cobbs Creek Foundation

From the Art Museum and Boathouse Row, to the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, everyone knows that Philadelphia is home to some of the greatest historic and cultural landmarks in the nation. But not everyone knows the story of Cobbs Creek, the legendary golf course located in the heart of Fairmount Park. Designed by famous course architect Hugh Wilson in collaboration with the Philadelphia School of Golf Architecture, from day one, the course was open to play for all. Men and women alike could swing away upon its lush greens and enjoy its Golden Age architecture. It was on this course that Charlie Sifford, the first Black golfer to play on the PGA, honed his game, and other noteworthy players including Arnold Palmer, Lucy Williams, Bob Hope, and boxer Joe Louis played. But the years were unkind to Cobbs Creek, and the first public golf course in Philadelphia fell into disrepair. Fast forward to 2018 when the Cobbs Creek Foundation (CCF) took shape with a mission of bringing the legendary course back to life as a new chapter in Philadelphia’s cultural heritage: a multipurpose destination for people of all backgrounds to unite, learn, play, and congregate.

Rutgers University

When Rutgers launched its Big Ideas initiative in late 2018, the team behind it couldn’t have possibly imagined the relevance it would carry into 2020 and 2021. What started as a challenge to faculty and staff to “Bring us your most imaginative, disruptive, and visionary proposals for bold initiatives that will positively transform our community and change the world,” quickly turned into a movement in its own right. More than 200 proposals submitted. 40 teams selected. 12 final Big Ideas. 1 school working with its best and brightest to make the world a better place, solving the critical issues of our time.

The Challenge

From day one, our mission was to give each Big Idea its time in the spotlight. To showcase each project in a way that was as big and bold as the idea it represented. To do so in a manner that the project champions would not only feel proud of, but part of. All during a pandemic.

The Approach

We knew film was going to be the best and only option. We also knew coordinating logistics for 12 videos was going to require some organizational prowess. Fortunately, our Project Managers are rockstars.

So, over the course of four months, our team conducted more than forty interviews with project stakeholders, champions, volunteers, and even some beneficiaries. We spent three weeks traveling across the Garden State, filming at all four of Rutgers’ Campus Led Units, safely navigating COVID-19 and holiday break in the process.

The result? 8 terabytes of footage. 24 film deliverables. And a couple feet of snow.

The Takeaway

Rutgers Big Ideas Launched virtually to the most attended event in foundation history. Beyond turnout, donors were ecstatic with their feedback for the content and the event. The Big Ideas were a success. As for fundraising, though they began with the lowest endowment in the Big10 in 2019, Rutgers experienced the largest endowment fund growth from 2020-2021 in an entire decade.

University of Florida

To enlighten and lead. In 1853, the year of UF’s Earliest roots, it was still a radical idea: the assumption that institutions of higher learning served all citizens, and through them, served society. That once-audacious declaration, that a public university exists for the good of all, binds UF to the people it serves. Through the GO GREATER campaign, the University of Florida answers a call to lead. Building on the spark that occurs at the intersection of vision and opportunity, we will blaze trails of success that will enrich the lives of citizens across our state, nation and world.

University at Buffalo

Building on the success and momentum of the Boldly Buffalo campaign, we joined UB Advancement in efforts to help propel them toward their $650M fundraising campaign goal. As the flagship SUNY institution, UB has been known to continually raise the standard. Beginning with the largest fundraising goal wasn’t enough for the Bulls. After reaching their goal in 2020 they decided to press on announcing in the Spring of 2021 that they would be the first to reach $1 Billion. A bold goal for a bold university.

Season Three Anthem

To kickoff season three we launched with a new anthem to reset the year and ensure our audience was ready for what was to come. Following the anthem we scheduled seasonal content that rolled out each quarter with 4-5 film pieces, a written article, static social content, and supporting digital and out of home campaign elements.

Season Three Advertising Campaign

Season Three Quarter 1 Content Arts and Culture


Let our work to the lifting.

We are a process driven shop that believes true partnership and client collaboration is what drives great work. We hope we have the opportunity to prove it to you and the entire Boston University community.


Greg Ash, President